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He said that, most likely, there are some properties to the electromagnetic fields which cause this phenomenon. Modern science cannot explain the nature and source of electricity, but only encourages its use. In my case to an orthodox scientist – this was a miracle. Such people may call me a Human-magnet.
Then I decided to explore this phenomenon independently. This is psychic rather than a physical phenomenon, as proven by the work of Benjamin Radford with a compass. As a psychologist, I see this as a process of the psychic subtle energies of the Creator (because it was after prayer, I had this ability).
I call this energy - the Holy Spirit. There is even less known about this energy than electricity.
The term psychic energy, in the initial meaning of universal energy, primordial energy, was proposed by Helena Roerich in her series of works under the name of Agni Yoga (1929-1955). In accordance with those texts, this energy exists in all objects and phenomena of the Universe, but in a unorganized, potential state. In accordance with those texts, this energy exists in all objects and phenomena of the Universe, but in a unorganized, potential state. |
Fig 3. Electro-magnet effect with faience plate.
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About the same energy without naming it, Helena Blavatsky in the writings of "The Secret Doctrine" says that "Spirit and Matter - are united", "Matter is spirit at the lowest point of its cyclic activity" and "Spirit is matter at the highest point".
This was previously known not only by philosophers, but also scientists. Dmitri Mendeleev believed that in the universe there must be primordial matter from which all atoms are built - "...ether as universal medium transmitting energy at a distance" (Д.Менделеев. «Попытка химического понимания мирового эфира». 1905 г., стр. 27). The Russian physicist VS Leonov, author of the fundamental theory of Superunification says that Mendeleev in 1905 postulated a zero table element, zero group, and zero row, and located in the zero group there are rare (inert) gases. (See Tabl 1. Authentic genuine Mendeleev Periodic table and Д.Менделеев. «Попытка химического понимания мирового эфира». 1905 г., стр. 27, http://ether-wind.narod.ru/Mendeleev_1905/). Later, other scientists believed that he made a mistake and threw out his zero Table element, zero group and series - moving the inert gases to the eighth group. There is another opinion. The distortion of the Table was deliberate falsification to eliminate the idea of a world ether (See Tabl 2. Falsified Periodic table, now used in science.)
Fig .4. Electro-magnet effect with metallic objects